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Become an official sponsor of the ATXelerator
2020-2021 sponsorships available now
Our mission to identify and prepare future-focused leaders for public service cannot be achieved without the generous support of our community partners. We hope to grow our ATXelerator community through sponsorship opportunities and through the shared goal of improving Austin’s quality of life for generations to come.
Sponsorship Levels:
Silver- $10,000
ATXelerator Sponsors receive a unique and invaluable package of year-round and event-specific benefits tailored to each of the ATXelerator's signature programs including:
The Opening and Closing Weekend Retreats
Weekly Wednesday Sessions
The ATXL Games
The ATXL Live Speaker Series
To learn more about event-specific benefits for each sponsorship level or to inquire about benefit package customization, please contact Executive Director, Ward Tisdale at or using the button below.
Year-round Sponsorship Opportunities:
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